時機/ 香味/ 功效對象 / 原 文
白天 綜合花香 女性 1. Bluetenbouquet - mixture of different flowers (floral scent, more for lady, daytime usage)
晚上 花香示愛 情侶 2. Amore - represent love (more for the evening)
橘子 放鬆心情 3. Blutorange - blood orange (sweet scent)
葡萄 放鬆心情 4. Cassis - grapes (sweet)
椰子 放鬆心情 5. Cocos - coconut
草莓香草 放鬆心情 6. Erdbeer Vanilla - Strawberry vanilla (sweet)
晚上 綜合植物 放鬆心情 7. Gewuerzduft - mixture of different seasoning (a little spicy scent, for evening)
白天 青蘋果 提神 8. Gruener Apfel - Green apple (refreshing scent)
海洋 放鬆心情 9. Karibik - Scent of ocean
甜瓜 放鬆心情 10. Melone - Melon (sweet)
桃子 放鬆心情 11. Pfirsichduft - Peach (sweet)
沐浴春天 放鬆心情 12. Spring Shower - all time favourite (very refreshing)
小紫花 放鬆心情 13. Lila Fleur - small purpurish flower (floral scent)
晚上 麝香 提神 14. Moschus - Musk (kind of ingredient used in perfume, good for evening)
草本植物 降血壓 15. Ylang-Ylang - Herbs (helps to bring down blood pressure)
紓解鼻塞 放鬆心情 16. Kraeuterduft - herbal scent (help to soothe nose block)
野生櫻桃 放鬆心情 17. Wildkirsche - wild cherries (sweet)
茉莉花 放鬆心情 18. Jasmin - Jasmine (floral scent)
晚上 草原 情侶 19. Heuduft - scent of field dry grass(this is a special scent you get when you dry
and roll up the grass for the animals,
促進情趣 good for evening. Some germans say it's good for couple sex life, because the scent helps ...)
森林 提神 20. Waldgeist - forest spirit (refreshing, all time favourite)
晚上 神秘 放鬆心情 21. Opium Mystique - floral scent (good only for evening)
胡桃鉗系列也有請參考 http://www.kwo-olbernhau.de/